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Newer69 70 71 [72] 73 74 75Older
Messages: 1066 until 1080 of 1285
Number of pages: 86
21:09 19-05-2008
AMY (嫦)
20:46 19-05-2008
AMY (嫦)
你好,你個仔有11歲啦!你姐姐結婚未呀/很久沒見 .可時再有活動記得叫我
23:11 18-05-2008
mak wais shan
Sammy Shum,
你以前住 4座9樓? 我以前住 4座 10樓架....我地有 5兄弟娣妹, 你有冇印象呀 ?
23:09 18-05-2008
22:51 18-05-2008
mak wai shan
我以前住高超道 4座架, 係1980年係聖腓力畢業架....上6B呀~唔知有冇以前D同學仔呢 ?
18:54 18-05-2008
HI! Tak Ming...Long time no see lor! Hopefully you are much taller now! HaHa! We lived so close at that time on 4/F Block 9. Still with good connection with Ah Leung & Kau Jie (Chung Kam Tong)?
13:21 18-05-2008
Siu Chui
11:14 18-05-2008
Chang tak ming
Dear Sunny,

Yap, we can meet up for sure. Live a happy life. Take care.

12:45 17-05-2008
Man嫂, 你哋兩夫妻真厲害呀! 可以撞到咁多舊街坊. 你可以多D去討論區果邊傾計. 繼續發揮你哋威力. 唔會介意, 你又可以自己開個名入嚟傾計, 你嫁咗俾MAN兄,你都算係半個高超道嘅人. 多D過去傾計啦! 等你呀!
23:31 16-05-2008
Sunny Lau
我現在已有兩個子女,大兒子大學畢業出來做事,女兒還有一年也大學畢業了。你沒記錯,細佬是劉國生,我幾年都未見過他,也不知他怎麼樣。我現在住馬鞍山,和你相當近。有時間的話也希望大家見見面。C U later
23:16 16-05-2008
Chang tak ming
Hi Sunny,
would like to use cantonese chatting with you, however, i didn't fix the programme in my compu and i don't know the chinese input at all. I'll try to fix it up.
You know, i learned from my sister Chang Shuk Fan that there's a KO CHIU ROAD estate website.
I'm fine, thanks. I live with my parents in Shatin after divorced. They are quite good.
How many boys and girls you have? How's your younger brother? Lau Kowk san, right?
Talk to you soon.
22:59 16-05-2008
Sunny Lau
To:Chang tak ming

Yes, i am Lau Kin sang, lived in rm 419. Im married and all my family members are fine.
How r u ?
22:32 16-05-2008
Chang tak ming
Sunny Lau! Lau Kin San, right? How're you? I'm tak ming. Room440.
21:42 16-05-2008
chang tak ming
To: Sir Wong Kam Kei.
I wish i could have a cup of tea with you after 29 years!
21:36 16-05-2008
chang tak ming
Shum Yuk Shan. Familiar to me this name?! Hmmm.... a period of time i happened to see a guy in the corridor of level 4 Block 9 with Karate robe was you i think, wasn't it?
Messages: 1066 until 1080 of 1285.
Number of pages: 86
Newer69 70 71 [72] 73 74 75Older